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Band - INXS

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Garry Gary Beers

Andrew Farriss

Jon Farriss

Tim Farriss

Michael Hutchence

Kirk Pengilly


With a career spanning over 40 extraordinary years, INXS are one of the world’s greatest rock bands.   With more than 70 million records sold worldwide, countless awards from both their peers & fans, including 7 MTV Awards, 3 Grammy Nominations, Brit Awards and hundreds of platinum, gold and now (2) diamond Awards from Canada and Australia.

The band, brothers and friends from school, performed their first show as The Farriss Brothers in 1977 on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Michael Hutchence (vocals), Kirk Pengilly (guitar/sax), Garry Gary Beers (bass), Jon Farriss (drums), Tim Farriss (guitar) & Andrew Farriss (guitar, keyboard, percussion) won Australian fans and then international acclaim, performing to millions of people including the band’s historic sell out performance at Wembley Stadium to 74,000 fans, INXS have cemented themselves in musical history.

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_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10INXS播报讨论上传视频澳大利亚男子新浪潮摇滚乐队INXS 是一支来自澳大利亚的新浪潮摇滚乐队,80年代中期到90年代初期是乐队音乐生涯的黄金期,连续数张专辑都是叫好又叫座。乐队的噩梦在1997年,当年11月22日,乐队灵魂人物 -- 主唱 Michael Hutchence 在没有征兆的情况下上吊自尽中文名INXS外文名INXS主    唱Michael Hutchence 黄金期80年代中期到90年代初期出道时间1977年8月16日代表作品INXS类    型组合目录1乐队简介2音乐专辑3作品介绍4专辑目录5主要成就6重组经历7评价乐队简介播报编辑1977年8月16日,Michael Hutchence(Voices), Andrew Farriss(keyboard, guitar), Tim Farriss(guitar), Jon Farriss(drums), Garry Gary Beers(Bass)和Kirk Pengilly(guitar, saxophone)在澳大利悉尼共同组建了 The Farriss Brothers 乐队,乐队刚成立时乘坐着大蓬车到处流浪,一边写歌一边演出,足迹踏遍了整个西澳大利亚地区。1979年 The Farriss Brothers 回到悉尼,开始在当地的酒吧里演出,慢慢的,越来越多的人注意到他们的表演,这其中就包括 Gary Morris -- 著名的 Midnight Oil 乐队当时的经济人,在以后的日子里,The Farriss Brothers 一直跟随着 Midnight Oil 到处巡演。但 The Farriss Brothers 最终还是选择离开 Gary Morris 以及 Midnight Oil 的巡演,乐队改名为 INXS,与独立公司 Deluxe 签约,于1980年推出同名首张专辑《INXS》,《INXS》以当时挺时髦的新浪潮摇滚为主要风格,专辑中的单曲 "Just Keep Walking" 名列排行榜的第38位,随后乐队一直到处演出,从悉尼到墨尔本,当时乐队常常一周有七个晚上都在演出。音乐专辑播报编辑显示方式:专辑列表 | 专辑详情专辑名称发行时间语言详情switch2005-11-23-x1990-09-21-INXS Remastered (10 Album Edition)2011-1-1英语 [1]作品介绍播报编辑1983年,INXS 正式签约于 Atlantic 公司,"The One Thing" 是乐队第一支在美国发行的单曲,并成功登上了 Billboard 单曲榜的Top 30。同年2月,专辑《Shabooh Shoobah》在美国发行,一个月后,INXS 与 The Kinks 和 Adam Ant 等明星一起在全美巡演。演出途中,乐队遇上了制作人 Nile Rogers ,双方合作的结晶是单曲 "Original Sin"。1984年1月,"Original Sin" 成为 INXS 第一支在澳大利亚本土榜首的单曲。同年2月,INXS 开始着手乐队第一次全球巡演。在重新回到澳大利亚后,新专辑《The Swing》一经推出就登上排行榜首,5月,"Original Sin" 在美国发行。6月,"Original Sin" 在法国成为榜首歌曲。1985年3月,INXS 重回悉尼的录音室开始录制新专辑,专辑制作人是 Chris Thomas,10月,专辑《Listen Like Thieves》正式发行,《Listen Like Thieves》为 INXS 带来空前的成功,仅在乐队家乡澳大利亚,专辑就在专辑榜上停留了81周的时间,至1986年三月,《Listen Like Thieves》在澳大利亚的销量为3白金,在美国也成为白金唱片,专辑中单曲 "What You Need" 成为乐队在美国第一支 Top 5 歌曲。专辑目录播报编辑专辑名年份INXS1980Underneath the Colours1981Shabooh Shoobah1982The Swing1984Listen Like Thieves1985Kick1987X1990Welcome to Wherever You Are1992Full Moon, Dirty Hearts1993Elegantly Wasted1997Switch2005主要成就播报编辑1981年3月6日,单曲 "The Loved One" 发行,在澳洲的排行榜上名列第18位,电台开始播放 INXS 的歌曲。同年10月19日,INXS 第二张专辑《Underneath The Colours》出版,专辑制作人为 Richard Clapton,专辑打上排行榜第15位,单曲 "Stay Young" 上升至排行榜第21位。1982年初,INXS 离开 Deluxe 公司,并开始录制新单曲 "The One Thing" 。4月21日,Kirk Pengilly, Michael Hutchence 和 Andrew Farriss 离开澳大利亚,旅行到纽约、洛衫矶,边创作边为乐队寻找适合的歌曲制作人。6月15日,INXS开始录制新专辑《Shabooh Shoobah》。同年7月,INXS 与 WEA 公司签约,并推出单曲 "The One Thing",打上了排行榜的第14位。10月,专辑《Shabooh Shoobah》在澳大利本土出版,成为 INXS 的第一张金唱片。重组经历播报编辑1986年5月,乐队成员又聚在一起,开始名为 "Shake It world tour" 的世界巡演,12月,INXS重回录音室。1987年10月,专辑《Kick》发行,这张充满自然、野性之美的专辑为 INXS 带来巨大的成功,并成为 INXS 最受欢迎和好评的一张专辑,至1997年10月,《Kick》被美国唱片工业协会鉴定在美国地区的销售量已经突破6百万张。有许多因素促成了乐队的成功:主唱 Michael Hutchence 漂亮的外表,歌曲自始至终不变的旋律走向,频繁的巡回演出,乐队里多人作曲以及每张专辑一个制作人以不断产生新鲜的感觉。1988年1月,"Need You Tonight" 成为 INXS 在美国的第一支Top 1单曲,5月,INXS 开始第三次全美巡演。1989年初,在经过马不停蹄的14个月的巡回演出后,乐队各成员各自分开一断时间追求各自的事业:Michael Hutchence 与 Ollie Olsen 组建了临时 Max Q 乐队并推出队同名专辑,只可惜专辑不但在评论上被骂的体无完肤而且在销量上也差强人意; Andrew Farriss 为本地 Jenny Morris 制作了一张澳洲销量达三白金的畅销大碟;Garry Gary Beers 则短暂的离开 INXS 并与他的一些朋友共同合作了一张专辑《Here's Looking Up Your Address》。1989年底,乐队开始录制新专辑。1990年3月,专辑《X》录制完成,同年8月,专辑中第一支单曲 "Suicide Blonde" 在世界范围内发行,在美国、英国、澳大利亚都成为登上排行榜Top 10。9月,专辑《X》正式发行,在美国和乐队的家乡澳大利亚都成为双白金唱片。此后的很长一段时间里 INXS 都在世界巡演的途中,1991年1月,INXS 远赴墨西哥举行了两场观众达5万人的音乐会,成为继20年前 The Doors 乐队后第一支到当地演出的西方摇滚乐队。1991年11月11日,现场专辑《Live Baby Live》在世界范围内发行,在美国也登上排行榜Top 10,该专辑是乐队7 月在温布利体育场的现场录音。1992年8月,INXS 推出专辑《Wherever You Are is》,与以往不同的是,《Wherever You Are is》是一张低调的专辑,是乐队比较富有冒险精神的专辑,诸如迷幻、World Music 等新的音乐元素第一次出现在 INXS 的音乐中,《Wherever You Are is》绝对是 INXS 的又一张代表作,专辑的全球销量为2百万张。与以往不同的是,INXS 这次在专辑推出后并没有举办大规模的演出,而是躲到了意大利卡布里岛的一家旅馆里度假,同时录制乐队的的下一张专辑《Full Moon, Dirty Hearts》。1993年11年月,专辑《Full Moon, Dirty Hearts》出版,但并未取得大的反响。随后乐队离开Atlantic公司,投奔到 Polygram 公司。1994年,Atlantic 公司推出 INXS 的精选专辑《Greatest Hits》。乐队成员则转向各自发展。1996年,INXS 乐队又重新聚在一起,开始录制下一张录音室专辑准备,专辑制作人为著名的 Bruce Fairbairn。评价播报编辑1997年4月,专辑《Elegantly Wasted》推出,但迎接乐队的却是一大堆糟糕的评论。5月,单曲 "Elegantly Wasted" 在南非成为榜首歌曲。同年8月16日,INXS在悉尼举办了庆祝乐队成立20周年的聚会。1997年11月22日,Michael Hutchence 在他悉尼的旅馆里上吊自尽。Michael Hutchence 的自杀让人觉得很突然,因为事先没有任何征兆。恐怕没有人愿意想象没有 Michael Hutchence 的 INXS 会是什么模样,乐队余下的成员也是各自发展,很少聚在一起。在2000年悉尼奥运会闭幕式上,INXS再次出现,乐队找来了新的主音,乐队现场演出依然活力四射,但 INXS 的新专辑目前还没消息。2005年发表专辑《Switch》 [2-5]新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000

INXS - One Of The Greatest Bands Of All Time

INXS - One Of The Greatest Bands Of All Time








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Best INXS Songs: 20 Essential Tracks That You Need Tonight

uDiscover Music’s INXS playlist distills the group’s entire career into 20 of their best.

Published on August 16, 2023

By Tim Peacock

Photo: Bob King / Redferns

Learning their craft in tough Sydney pubs and clubs, INXS formed on August 16, 1977, quickly graduating from rock’n’roll’s school of hard knocks. Theirs was, however, and initial slow burn that eventually lit a fuse that exploded globally with the multi-million-selling Kick album, which was unleashed almost exactly 10 years after their formation, on October 19, 1987. Until frontman Michael Hutchence’s death, in 1997, the versatile Australian sextet packed out arenas the world over, moving a phenomenal 50 million albums worldwide and bequeathing a back catalog of enduring quality from which choosing the best INXS songs is a tough but extremely rewarding task.

Listen to the best of INXS on Apple Music and Spotify.

INXS originally sprang from fledgling outfit The Farriss Brothers, based in the band’s native Perth, Western Australia. Middle brother of three, Andrew Farriss (keyboards), and his high-school buddy, aspiring vocalist/co-songwriter Michael Hutchence, formed the band in 1977, pulling in bassist Garry Gary Beers, Andrew’s guitarist brother Tim and guitarist/saxophonist Kirk Pengilly. The youngest of the three Farriss siblings, drummer Jon completed the line-up, and when he graduated from high school the newly re-christened INXS relocated to Sydney to ply the small club circuit – a move which landed them a deal with a local label, Deluxe Records.Riot Girls: The Female Musicians Who Changed The WorldAll The Single Ladies: Anthems Of Independence‘All For You’: The Story Behind Janet Jackson’s Hit


Full of promise

Though captured on a small budget, INXS’s self-titled 1980 debut was full of promise, pointing the way towards the best INXS songs to come and spawning the band’s first Australian Top 40 hit, “Just Keep Walking”: a jittery but enthralling slice of XTC-ish new wave pop. Though in a similar sonic vein, the band’s second album, 1981’s Underneath The Covers, reflected the growing maturity in Hutchence and Andrew Farriss’ songwriting. It also yielded INXS’s first Australian Top 30 hit, courtesy of the atmospheric “Stay Young”, and led to international record deals with WEA in Australia, Polygram in the UK, and Atco (later Atlantic) in North America.

INXS - Stay Young

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Relishing this shot in the arm, the best INXS songs to date were composed for 1982’s Shabooh Shoobah: a consistently fine album which cracked the Australian Top 5 and included several of the band’s evergreen fan favorites, such as the brash, confident “The One Thing” and the urgent, anthemic “Don’t Change”, the popular latter number later spawning covers by numerous artists, including Goo Goo Dolls and The Killers’ Brandon Flowers.

International recognition

With Hutchence drawing considerable praise for his charismatic vocals and dynamic, Jagger-esque stage presence, 1984’s The Swing helped INXS inch ever closer to international recognition. The band’s first Australian No.1 (and also a minor US hit), The Swing presented another nattily-attired set of songs, with the celebratory “Burn For You,” glossy “Dancing On The Jetty” and sleek, proto-Kick funk of the Nile Rodgers-produced “Original Sin” among its many state-of-the-art highlights.

INXS - Original Sin (Official Music Video)

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Produced by Chris Thomas (Sex Pistols, Roxy Music), INXS’ fifth album, Listen Like Thieves (also their debut for Atlantic Records), brokered the band’s much-deserved international breakthrough, going double-platinum in the US and peaking at No.11 on the Billboard 200. Brimming with confidence and snappy pop hooks, Listen Like Thieves contained an abundance of superior dancefloor-friendly pop-rock anthems (“This Time”, the attention-grabbing “What You Need”) and also a few surprises, such as the brassy, soul-flavored “One X One”.

Global stardom

INXS brilliantly alchemized their long-term influences (lithe funk, raunchy, Rolling Stones-esque rock, and the sounds of the contemporary dancefloor) and emerged with something cool, stylish, and entirely original on 1987’s dynamic Kick – for many fans the album that contains the best INXS songs of all time. A superlative-defying platter which propelled the band to global stardom, the multi-platinum-selling Kick moved over four million copies in the US alone. Its mandatory hit-stuffed stand-outs included the redemptive, Delta blues-flavored “Mystify” and the classy widescreen balladry of “Never Tear Us Apart”, while the svelte, sexy funk of signature hit “Need You Tonight” provided INXS with a coveted US No.1.

INXS - Need You Tonight (Official Music Video)

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Stylistically a consolidation, yet still a terrific record on its own terms, 1990’s X again yielded multi-platinum returns. Kicked up an extra gear by former Mike Bloomfield associate Charlie Musselwhite’s earthy harmonica, the album’s slinky first single, “Suicide Blonde,” takes some beating even now, though ensuing singles “Disappear” and the grandstanding “Bitter Tears” both came close, while “The Stairs” – a vividly-recounted tale of urban isolation – coaxed out a dynamic group performance and an especially impassioned Hutchence vocal.

Broadening their sound

With musical trends changing rapidly, the band’s eighth studio album, 1992’s Welcome To Wherever You Are, was issued while grunge and alt-rock were ripping up the mainstream. INXS responded to the challenge by broadening their palette of sounds, creating a satisfying record long on diversity and invention, boasting many of the best INXS songs of the 90s: the key tracks including the Eastern-tinged “Questions,” the driving, anthemic “Heaven Sent” and the lavish, swaying pop of “Baby Don’t Cry” – the latter brought to life with help from the 60-piece Australian Concert Orchestra in Sydney.

INXS - Baby Don't Cry (Official Music Video)

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With Welcome To Wherever You Are, INXS became the first Australian band since AC/DC in 1980 to score a UK No.1 album, and the record picked up some of the best reviews of INXS’s career, with British broadsheet The Independent dubbing it “their best record by some distance”. Opting to record a quick follow-up, INXS pieced together their final album for Atlantic during sessions on the Italian Isle Of Capri. Long overdue a reappraisal, the album they emerged with, Full Moon, Dirty Hearts, was a vivid, energetic record, and its stand-out tracks, the swaggering, blues-imbued titular song and “Please (You Got That…)” featured decisive guest slots from Chrissie Hynde and the legendary Ray Charles, respectively.

Launching a comeback

With 1994’s self-explanatory The Greatest Hits winding up their deal with Atlantic Records, INXS took a well-deserved break after almost 15 years of almost constant writing, recording, and touring, but they emerged refreshed with a new deal with Mercury/Polygram and a comeback album, Elegantly Wasted, in 1997.

Overseen by Canadian producer Bruce Fairbairn (Aerosmith, The Cranberries), the album featured the band again honing inspiration from wild rawk and sinuous funk grooves, and its best tracks, ‘Searching’ and the monster groove of “Don’t Lose Your Head,” suggested that INXS were back in the hunt for the duration prior to the tragic death of Michael Hutchence in November 1997.

A lasting legacy

Devastated by losing both their close friend and one of the greatest frontmen of their generation, the remaining members of INXS inevitably then retreated from the music scene for a time in the late 90s and early 00s.

Though Michael Hutchence could never realistically be replaced, INXS did make a welcome return to the studio for 2005’s Switch, helmed by Canadian-born vocalist JD Fortune, and later revisited their earlier catalog for 2010’s Michael Hutchence tribute Original Sin, which featured contributions from guest vocalists including Brandon Flowers, Tricky and Nick Harper. Both releases have added an intriguing footnote to an already substantial rock’n’roll canon which is destined to grow in stature and delight new fans for many decades yet to come.

Looking for more? Discover why Michael Hutchence was rock’s last true sex god.

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axel kolkmann

August 18, 2017 at 7:06 pm

unforgettable music from downunder


Steven C

August 18, 2017 at 8:52 pm

This band dominated my life, even after they were gone and are a constant in my playlists. Proper live music has never been the same



August 18, 2017 at 11:35 pm

Playing inxs 4 eva


richard m

August 19, 2017 at 3:51 am

Phenominal live shows…rock and roll roots all the way….fortunate to see these Rock Inovators twice in Texas…still have all there vinyl and ticket stubbs…Keep ROCKIN iNXS…definitely on all my playlist!



August 19, 2017 at 9:40 am

The best Rock forever.


Sarah stevens

August 19, 2017 at 12:21 pm

Listen Like Thieves was the cassette that spawned the beginning of my exploration into music. Before that I was only really listening to my parents stuff (which was pretty good, considering) and the radio.

And then there was Kick. What an album. I’m so blessed to be able to say that I was lucky enough to see Michael Hutchence head INXS twice.

What a presence this man had on stage. I’m yet to see him equalled.

And it makes me so happy when I hear my kids singing along to one of their tunes- I feel like I’m doing parenting right!

Proud to be an Aussie.


Donna Gough

August 19, 2017 at 3:08 pm

I am a massive fan of INXS since I was 12years old and I still am to my dying days I will never stop worshiping the greatest band of INXS

My little granddaughter is only 15 months old and she will start dancing and singing every time she hears INXS playing on the radio tv cd iPod phone

God love her so rest assured there is hope for the younger generations to come that have been brought up with actual decent music that you can understand and will always relate to in everyday life.

From a loyal and devoted massive number 1 fan

I still have the ticket from their concert at the Sydney Entertainment Center in 91.

Danced non-stop and screamed my lungs out for the whole two hours could not speak for at least a week after it but it was certainly worth it that’s for sure. One of my biggest wishes is to maybe meet INXS and get some photos with them especially John and I know that it won’t be the same without Micheal to be there but I am sure he has never left the rest if the guys yet and never will

there is no way of knowing what or when a person is thinking and feeling when they are in so much pain and hurt and they don’t know how to get themselves out of it

Live on in your music and family and fans

God bless xxxxx



August 19, 2017 at 5:55 pm

“Underneath the Covers” ????

(Pssst… its “Colours” )



August 24, 2017 at 11:30 pm

INXS was a groundbreaking band with a unique sound and identity. I saw them on TV for the first time in 1991 and their songs became the soundtrack of my life. INXS has so much talent, charisma and charm, that they will never lose relevance in music. Many people are just discovering them and their legacy will live on. Thank you for your music and your talent.



September 27, 2017 at 8:27 pm

Loved them before

Love them now

Love them tomorrow.

This is my band 4ever.



August 17, 2019 at 10:17 pm

Listen Like Thieves cassette was huge for me. Falling Down the Mountain Same Direction.

Later on : Bitter Tears. Disappear, Not Enough Time!!!, beautiful Girl, taste It so many amazing songs impossible to compile only 20. Oh yeah. What about Devil Inside?

Biting Bullets and Guns in the Sky are definitely needed now


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INXS Singer Michael Hutchence: 12 Things We Learned From 'Mystify' Doc

INXS Singer Michael Hutchence: 12 Things We Learned From 'Mystify' Doc



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New Doc on INXS’ Michael Hutchence: 12 Things We Learned




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New Doc on INXS’ Michael Hutchence: 12 Things We Learned

Mystify tells the late singer's story through home videos and personal recollections from friends, family, and himself in archival interviews


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A new doc, 'Mystify: Michael Hutchence,' tells the INXS singer's life story. Here are 12 things we learned.

Fairfax Media via Getty Images

Twenty-two years have passed since INXS frontman Michael Hutchence died, and while songs like “Never Tear Us Apart,” “New Sensation,” and “Need You Tonight” remain staples on classic-rock radio and at karaoke clubs, the band has had a difficult time moving forward. Despite putting out two records with different singers and launching a TV competition to find a new vocalist (Rock Star: INXS aired in 2004), Hutchence’s shadow has loomed large over the band. That’s because the singer boasted an unmistakable voice and a unique presence, not to mention a shy offstage personality that fueled fans’ curiosity. His talent is irreplaceable.

Now Mystify: Michael Hutchence — a new film by the late singer’s friend, Australian director Richard Lowenstein — attempts to tell his story through grainy home video and photos that the frontman left behind. The film, which comes out digitally and on-demand this week, presents an intensely personal portrait of Hutchence using archival interviews and new commentary from his onetime partners Helena Christensen and Kylie Minogue, his bandmates, U2 frontman Bono, his siblings Tina and Rhett Hutchence, his stepmother Susie, and producer Nick Launay, among others. It shows how his spark for creativity worked in INXS and in his failed Max Q side project, reveals the heavy pressures of fame that weighed on him, and explores how a violent attack on him changed his life. Here are 12 things we learned.

1. Michael’s family was surprised he wanted to be a frontman because he was so introverted.

Tina Hutchence, Michael’s half-sister, recalls a time when she was managing the kids’ wear section of a department store and needed Michael and his brother to participate in a fashion show. His brother, Rhett, was a natural but Michael, who was nine or 10, was reticent. She had to push Michael out in front of the audience. “All of a sudden, he walked out and he [saw] the people, [and] his face changed,” she recalls in the film. “He started enjoying himself. He started winking at me. It surprised me because he was a shy kid. … When he said he was going to sing with this band, that just surprised the heck out of me. Here’s this kid who didn’t want to walk into a room full of people, let alone sing.”

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2. When it came to making music, he was a natural.

In the early part of INXS’ career, Hutchence loved recording. “He was always the first person to arrive at the studio,” producer Chris Thomas says in the film, as “What You Need” plays. “He was really watching everything. He was the one who had a real idea of where things should go. He really did have an instinct for the whole thing. I was learning stuff from him. He wrote most of the top lines for those songs, the actual tune that the singer sings. He wasn’t just writing words; he was writing melodies.”

3. He felt he had to compartmentalize himself to manage fame.

When the band’s Kick album became a sextuple-platinum megahit, Hutchence had to get over his innate shyness quickly and figure out a way to navigate all the attention. “From the fantasy to the reality of, ‘Oh, this is actually happening,’ that would be really tricky because I wasn’t that comfortable with it,” Hutchence says of fame in one scene. “So I sort of invented that [big] persona with the necessity of getting through it. I enjoyed it but I had to create something that kept me inside as well.”

4. He impressed Bono greatly.

“I remember asking Michael what his definition of rock & roll was,” the U2 singer recalls of his late friend in a reverent tone. “He said, ‘Liberation.'”

5. The way he picked up Kylie Minogue was incredibly corny — but it worked.

In the doc, the “Loco-Motion” singer recalls how she met Hutchence around 1989 and asked him how he took care of his voice. He told her he had “magical drops for your throat” that he used and would be willing to share with her. Shortly after their meeting, she had to go to Hong Kong for her own career. He asked to take her to dinner there but made her wait. “Eventually he rocks up two hours late,” she said. “He takes me out and there’s clearly something between us.” She later forgot all about the secret potion and he ended up courting her, flying to visit her on different parts of her Asian tour.

6. When Michael’s mother decided to leave his father, she took Michael with her but left his brother, devastating the family.

When the INXS frontman was about 14, he and his younger brother Rhett returned home from school to find that their mother, Patricia, had packed up their things. In the words of Tina, “Michael was the chosen one.” Patricia told Michael to pack his bag, and they went to the States together, with Rhett crying at the airport, and stayed there for a year and a half. Patricia says in the film that she’d asked Michael in advance if he wanted to come with her and that he’d said yes. “He kept it a secret, as I did,” she says. “Michael knew that he was going.” Michael’s personal manager, Martha Troup, said that it was a decision that haunted Michael. “It just tore him apart,” she says. “He felt that he didn’t deserve the success. He felt guilt.” Rhett was raised by about seven nannies in the time Michael and Patricia were away. He says that Michael returned with a new sense of self.

7. He lost his senses of smell and taste after a taxi driver knocked him out.

His onetime partner, model Helena Christensen, remembers an incident in Copenhagen in 1992 when they got pizza and rode home on bikes. They stopped to eat, and a taxi driver told Michael to move, got out, and punched him with enough force to send the singer to the ground, knocking him unconscious. “There was blood coming out of his mouth and ear,” Christensen recalls. “I thought he was dead.” When he came to in the hospital, he was belligerent and insisted on being dismissed. He was laid out for a month and eventually a surgeon found he had a skull fissure and that his nerves were torn; he had lost his olfactory senses as a result. “He did not want me to tell anyone,” she says. “He didn’t even want me to tell my parents. … Things just got really heavy in his head.” His bandmates noticed he seemed different, more aggressive, when they began work on 1993’s Full Moon, Dirty Hearts.


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8. The attack seemed to change everything for Hutchence.

Bono recalls how Hutchence had confided in him that he felt different after the attack. “I think he was very, very traumatized,” the U2 singer says in the film. “He confessed to me that it changed everything for him. What was just a sweet insecurity became a deep insecurity. He kind of lost his way and forgot who he was.”

9. He fell in love with grunge, much to his bandmates’ disappointment.

During the making of Full Moon, Dirty Hearts, his interests strayed from the typical INXS sound. “He was just very erratic in his behavior but also in what we were trying to do musically,” guitarist Kirk Pengilly says. “He certainly had gotten sucked into the grunge thing. There was a lot of times where he’d stop everything and go, ‘Hey, listen to this. This is what we’ve got to be doing.’ So I had huge arguments with Michael over that; he was trying to make it a lot more ‘not INXS.'”

10. Noel Gallagher stomped on Hutchence’s spirits.

At the Brit Awards in 1996, during a time when INXS’ popularity had waned, Hutchence presented Oasis with a trophy for “Wonderwall.” In his acceptance speech, guitarist Noel said, “Has-beens shouldn’t present fucking awards to gonna-bes.” Hutchence walked off with a bit of swagger but looked hurt. “That crushed Michael,” Troup recalls in the film. “That was devastating, that moment in his life. They were massive worldwide and to go completely the other way was really hard on them and really hard on Michael.”

11. Michael’s tumultuous relationship with TV host Paula Yates weighed heavily on him.

Hutchence linked up with Yates, the wife of singer and activist Bob Geldof, in the mid-Nineties; she had interviewed him for her TV program. They had a daughter together, but the relationship turned sour after opium was discovered in Yates’ house and Geldof filed for divorce. A friend of Hutchence’s, identified only as Erin, shares diary entries she wrote when she was age 20 in the doc. In September 1997, she wrote, “Michael phones me and says Paula has tried to commit suicide. I asked how he was, and he said, ‘I’m weird in the head.’ I said, ‘I bet.’ He said, ‘No, you have no idea. You don’t know what I’m going through. You don’t understand what’s going on in my head.'” At one point he asked her if she was worried he’d kill himself, to which she said yes. He assured her that wasn’t going to happen.

12. Hutchence was in a good mood in the days before he died by suicide, but he began to spiral when Yates said she couldn’t see him.

INXS were in Australia, rehearsing for a tour, and Yates had told Hutchence she was coming to visit with Hutchence’s daughter and her kids from Geldof’s marriage. But on November 22nd, 1997, she told him the visit would be postponed until December, due to issues with Geldof. Hutchence called Geldof and begged him to allow Yates to travel. He called his friends and managers to tell them how upset he was that he wouldn’t see his kids. “But it was more than that,” Troup says. “He was confused about where he wanted to be, himself, in life. I went back to the office, and I heard a message. He was just really angry. He said, ‘Martha, I don’t give a shit anymore.'” But his anger turned to desperation in later phone calls. His body was found in his hotel room around noon that day. The doctor says that the coroner ruled a few months later that Hutchence had died by suicide.

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INXS were an Australian pop-rock band co-founded by lead singer Michael Hutchence and best known for their classic album, Kick.

Published on April 24, 2020

By uDiscover Team

Photo by Bob King/Redferns

Rocking out of Sydney, New South Wales, INXS retain their reputation as one of Australia’s best-loved bands with a sound that they exported worldwide. Starting out as a hybrid ska and poppy new wave outfit, core members Andrew, Jon and Tim Farriss, Kirk Pengilly, Garry Gary Beers and the irrepressible and sorely missed frontman Michael Hutchence would consciously change their brand to embrace a much tougher rock sound, albeit with plenty of subtlety thanks to their immersion in dance, funk and sax driven fusion. Their debut self-titled album made them stars at home but their recordings from the 1980s and 1990s gave them full global kudos. Albums like Listen Like Thieves, Kick and X became staple items in varied collections, partly because INXS were able to utilize Hutchence’s looks and charisma – he became their focal media point and was a constant celebrity figure – but also because their music had a no-nonsense appeal that transcended generic typecasting. The fact that men wanted to be like him while women wanted to be with him probably did them no harm either! If they didn’t try to be cool they were consummate showmen and so utterly professional that for a while it seemed they’d never leave the road or the studio.

INXS won six Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) awards including three for ‘Best Group’ in 1987, 1989 and 1992, and was inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2001. As of May 2013, INXS have sold close to 40 million records worldwide. They also notched up the double BRIT in 1991 (Best International Group and Best International Male) and became regular recipients of MTV gongs thanks to their radio-friendly single smashes like “Need You Tonight”, “Devil Inside”, “New Sensation” and the poignant “Suicide Blonde.”Metallica Continue Coloured Vinyl Campaign, Starting With ‘Garage Inc’‘At Your Birthday Party’: Steppenwolf Light The Candles For Their Third LP‘Every Kinda People’ Remix: Robert Palmer’s New Addiction


In many ways, they were trailblazers for Australian acts and even though Hutchence died in tragic circumstances in 1997, they picked up the pieces and continued to wow crowds with a slew of replacement vocalists, notably Jimmy Barnes, Terence Trent D’Arby and J.D. Fortune. They wrapped it up in 2012 with Ciaran Gribbin at the mic helm but in the years before they not only made their make they brought their fans immense pleasure.

The boys in the band were already well-rehearsed in local garage acts long before the manager of fellow Oz act Midnight Oil christened them INXS. Their early recordings were somewhat naive in truth as they sought their true sound in the pubs of Western Australia. Their debut album, INXS (like all their albums we have it in re-mastered format) did produce the local hit “Just Keep Walking” which became an anthem in Sydney. They were up and running.

1981’s Underneath the Colours spawned their cover hit of “The Loved One” (by Aussie band The Loved Ones) and suddenly Hutchence found his voice as well as his songwriting style, teaming up with the band’s keyboards wizard and main composer Andrew Farriss who provided the singer with the bullets for his gun. Their song “Stay Young” laid down a template.

Shabooh Shoobah is their real breakthrough album from 1982, their first worldwide release being produced by Mark Opitz an Oz console legend who came up with the thick and syrupy guitar sound that would dominate the airwaves down under for years to come. The success of their relentless North American touring schedule and the FM sparkle of hit track “The One Thing” now enabled INXS to make their mark. This they did with The Swing (1984), produced in New York by Nile Rodgers and featuring Daryl Hall on backing vocals. Evidently relocating to The Power Station suited Hutchence and co. since the hooks just fall out of this disc. “Original Sin” (with Hall in harmony), “I Send a Message” and “Burn For You” established a real ‘INXS sound’.

Listen Like Thieves (1985) arrived during a golden age for radio pop and INXS soared to the forefront with US Top Five hit “What You Need” where they combine a kind of Led Zeppelin-lite rock crunch with a superbly funky disco swing. Whereas previously they were slightly patronized now INXS were taken deadly seriously. They had the sales, the sound and the fanatical following.

Given their status by 1987 it’s small wonder that we totally recommend you pay attention to their masterpiece disc Kick, available like most of their releases in reissued bonus track format with interesting demos, guitar versions and alternate takes. We love this album but then so do millions of others. Kick is like the greatest hits in its own right. It would go triple platinum in the UK and 6x Platinum in the US, as well as conquering most of the other big territories. Facts and figures are all very well but it’s the quality of this album that continues to make it a must-have. Consider the songs: “New Sensation”, “Devil Inside”, “Need You Tonight”, “Mediate”, “The Loved One” “Never Tear Us Apart”, “Mystify” and the title track itself – a near-flawless collection of brilliantly crafted and executed material. Kick is a genuine five-star classic.

For the third album in a row, INXS worked with British producer Christ Thomas (Beatles, Pink Floyd, Roxy Music, Sex Pistols, Pulp) on the equally persuasive X. Again, check out the remastered edition with bonus cuts. “Suicide Blonde” and “Disappear” were released during a high-profile romance Hutchence was enjoying with Kylie Minogue and suddenly INXS found fame beyond the confines of a bunch of guys playing music together. Even so, their centre would hold for a while and with more Platinum shipped and charts topped they returned to Opitz to create the underrated Welcome to Wherever You Are (1992) and Full Moon, Dirty Hearts (1993) thus maintaining an astonishingly punishing schedule. Incidentally, the later disc is another re-mastered gem with Ray Charles and Chrissie Hynde amongst the guests.

The tellingly entitled Elegantly Wasted (1997) is the last INXS album featuring Hutchence before his sad passing, but it is well worth checking out, especially as the lyrics have an air of finality about them when once considers the title cut, “Don’t Lose Your Head” and “Searching”. The album’ focal point was written by Hutchence after a night on the town with Bono of U2 and he would recall their friendship in the emotionally draining “Stuck in a Moment You can’t Get Out Of”.

Aside from the hardcore of these fantastic albums, we’d also like to commend various compilations and anthologies, also the Live Baby Live disc from the early 1990s, one of those rare on the board’s affairs that stands proud in its own right. The Greatest Hits and Definitive INXS cover the waterfront and provide a handy summary for the curious.

So there you have ‘em. INXS: a great band with more charm than most and enough classy songs to fuel any party. If you’re looking to upgrade your Australian rock knowledge you cannot possibly afford to overlook this valiant band of brothers.

Words: Max Bell


Format: UK English

Related Topics:1980sGroupINXSKickListen Like ThievesMichael HutchenceRockX

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INXS' 10 greatest songs, ranked

20 July 2023, 13:00

INXS in 1989. (Photo by Lynn Goldsmith/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images).



By Thomas Curtis-Horsfall

INXS are one of Australia's greatest ever musical exports.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, INXS became one of the most popular groups in the world, merging elements of new wave, pop, funk, and rock together on their way to selling over 70 million albums worldwide.Led by their charismatic singer Michael Hutchence, INXS had a bonafide rock god at the helm and his magnetic presence made them globally renowned.Throughout their duration as a band, INXS went from a group of school friends performing in local Australian pubs to playing to 70,000 people at Wembley Stadium at the peak of their popularity.After Hutchence's death in 1997, things were never the same for INXS, but they left a lasting legacy of iconic rock songs.That said, here are the ten greatest INXS songs, ranked:

'By My Side'

INXS - By My Side

'By My Side' is uniquely one of the INXS singles that Michael Hutchence didn't write or co-write, but was instead written by bandmates Andrew Farriss and Kirk Pengilly.Released in 1990 from their album X, the band were superstars by this point and life on the road began to wear them down.Hutchence was dating Kylie Minogue at the time and was happy with his nomadic lifestyle, but still sings the ballad with more than enough convincing emotion.

'Beautiful Girl'

INXS - Beautiful Girl (Official Music Video)

Despite an average charting performance upon its 1992 release, 'Beautiful Girl' is often considered to be one of band's finest final moments.When INXS were evolving with the times as rock music became the genre of choice in the nineties, they still kept fans on side with this tender track.Though lyrically, Michael Hutchence refers to a frightened runaway he befriends and protects who is suffering.Talking about the song being addressing homelessness, he said: "They're real normal kids who get into prostitution and drugs and it’s a real mess. Because they're so naive."

'Devil Inside'

INXS - Devil Inside (Official Music Video)

'Devil Inside' was the second single from 1987's Kick, the album that launched INXS towards global superstardom.The song's danceable guitar riff and Hutchence's sultry vocals established the band as one of rock music's most groovy denizens. It also provided an opportunity for Michael to begin embodying the wriggly, snake-hipped lothario he became famous for.Fun fact: the music video was shot by movie director Joel Schumacher, who ventured back into music video's nearly a decade later with Seal's 'Kiss From A Rose'.

'Don’t Change'

INXS - Don't Change (Official Music Video)

One of INXS' first songs to make a dent on Australian radio became one of their most beloved.The band would later reserve 'Don't Change' as their encore despite the countless hit singles they had in their arsenal.It's clearly hit a nerve with other artists too, with Bruce Springsteen and The Goo Goo Dolls also covering it.


INXS - Mystify (Official Music Video)

One of the more romantic and poetic songs that Michael Hutchence ever penned, 'Mystify' was the sixth single to come from their breakthrough album Kick.The funk-rock of 'What You Need' helped the band get noticed in the US, so that sound informed the most part of the following 1987 album.But 'Mystify' is one of the more tender moments on the album, and was well-received in the UK charting in the top 20.

'Suicide Blonde'

INXS - Suicide Blonde (Live at MTV VMA 1990)

This raunchy 1990 comeback single saw INXS maintain their global popularity after the overwhelming success of Kick three years before.Inspired by Kylie Minogue, the lyrics have nothing to do with suicide, rather just the "dyeing" of one's own hair with bleach being a play on words.It was perhaps coincidental that Michael Hutchence himself later died of suicide in 1997, whilst dating the platinum-blonde television personality Paula Yates.

'Original Sin'

INXS - Original Sin (Official Music Video)

'Original Sin' was the song that transformed INXS into serious players in their native Australia.Nile Rodgers was a primary influence on the band and they managed to convince the Chic guitar legend to produce their 1984 album The Swing which featured this single.It topped the charts in Australia and made the rest of the world notice.There was also a guest vocal from Hall & Oates' Daryl Hall after Rodgers roped him into the studio.

'New Sensation'

INXS - New Sensation (Official Music Video)

The "carpe diem" motive behind INXS' 1987 single 'New Sensation' helped push it to No.3 in the US and the top spot in Canada.Brands found the song irresistible - with the promise of new experiences behind the lyrics, the likes of Toyota, MacDonalds, and even Sea World.It also showed a different, more sartorial side to the rugged sensuality of Michael Hutchence, who wears a suit and ties his mane in a ponytail throughout. Whether they were either pandering to ad agencies in the US or poking fun at them, it worked.

'Need You Tonight'

INXS - Need You Tonight (Official Video)

Undoubtedly one of the sexiest and steamiest rock songs ever written, 'Need You Tonight' was explosive in more ways than one."Your moves are so raw, I've got to let you know, you're one of my kind" is certainly a booty call if ever we've heard one.But away from the lyrics' overtly provocative nature, 'Need You Tonight' saw INXS break America, becoming one of Australia's biggest musical exports in the process.The song has now become a staple of danceable rock songs from that decade, and is arguably the first song that people think of when INXS are mentioned.

'Never Tear Us Apart'

INXS - Never Tear Us Apart (Official Music Video)

Also released on 1987's global smash Kick, 'Never Tear Us Apart' didn't fare quite as well as the previous two singles on this list.But that doesn't disqualify it from being INXS' greatest-ever song. The sentiment behind the song, and its powerful chorus, resonates far beyond what inspired Hutchence to first write it, and is frequently played at weddings, births, and funerals. It was the song he took most pride in, and it was even played at his own funeral when the remaining members of INXS and his younger brother Rhett carried his coffin.

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INXS star Michael Hutchence 'had permanent brain damage' | Ents & Arts News | Sky News

INXS star Michael Hutchence 'had permanent brain damage' | Ents & Arts News | Sky News

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INXS star Michael Hutchence 'had permanent brain damage'

Bethany Minelle

Arts and entertainment reporter


Sunday 29 December 2019 22:17, UK


Australian singer Michael Hutchence took his own life aged just 37. Pic: Marc Berry Reid

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Michael Hutchence was rarely out of the papers in the final years of his life, but there was a secret he had kept hidden from the world - he was suffering from brain damage.A violent altercation five years before his death left the INXS star with two large areas of permanent damage, as well as robbing him of his sense of taste and smell.


Hutchence dated model Helena Christensen for around four years

The only other person who knew - his then girlfriend supermodel Helena Christensen - had been sworn to secrecy.So why hide his injuries, and suffer in silence?Filmmaker Richard Lowenstein, who worked with the star for many years, thinks he has finally pieced together the elements that led to Hutchence's death aged just 37.

In his documentary about the singer's life, Mystify, he says it was that one event - a punch from a taxi driver outside a pizza shop in Copenhagen in 1995 - that changed everything.Speaking to Sky News, Lowenstein explains, it was only after the accident that Hutchence displayed "sudden mood swings and temper outbursts", which were completely out of character.

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He goes on: "One of the biggest tragedies is that because he was a rock star, people just associate those things with rock star-type behaviour."He'd burst into tears and say, 'It's all about taste and smell that I'm so depressed… If I have a baby, I won't be able to smell my own child.'"


The filmmaker says at the time, Michael convinced him his frustrations stemmed from his loss of taste and smell, but after star's death, Lowenstein discovered the truth.It was while interviewing Hutchence's ex-girlfriend, model Christensen, he discovered the full extent of his injuries.


Richard Lowenstein worked with Hutchence over many years. Pic: Marc Berry Reid

"When we got to Helena and her story, and finally got to the full unedited autopsy report, suddenly everything became clear, that was light bulb moment."Hutchence had two large contusions and permanent areas of damage in his frontal lobes."I took all that material from the interview and the report to an expert on suicide and neurologists and they said: 'Without doubt that's what happened, he killed himself'.At the time of Michael's death in 1997, he and his then-partner Paula Yates were fighting a very public custody battle over her three children with Sir Bob Geldof.Already at a low ebb, and on the eve of a gruelling world tour, Hutchence called his manager and ex-girlfriend from his Sydney hotel room and then took his own life.Lowenstein says he believes Hutchence's biggest fear - "of not being in love and not having someone to love him" - holds the key to his secrecy over his private suffering."He was incredibly insecure, and if it had gotten out - even just between the band members - that he had serious damage to the brain, they would have come in and started writing the songs themselves."And that was his worst nightmare.""I do think he was scared that even if Paula [Yates, his partner at the time of his death] had known or any of his partners had known, they would maybe not love him quite so much or treat him like an invalid."He didn't want to be seen as less of a person than he was before the accident."


Kylie shared never-before-seen private videos and photos with the film's director

While his brain injury no doubt fuelled his depression and subsequent struggles, suicide was a theme Hutchence returned to during the course of his life.While researching for the film, Lowenstein says, "we found six or seven interviews, where he brings up suicide, saying, 'no one minds if you kill yourself' and 'no one minds if you do'."Especially aged 27, when so many stars died like Hendrix and Morrison, and he was being obviously compared to some of those."And then he gets through 27 and he says, 'I'm a survivor'. But that whole subject keeps coming up."The suicide specialist said it's usually a craze of people who do attempt suicide that they always discuss it or bring it up in a flippant ways."We even found little diagrams, stick figures of himself with a noose around his neck, in his diaries from the 80s."So why is Lowenstein making this film now, all this time after Michael's death?"I've waited 20 years for someone to tell the story properly and it hasn't happened."I'd seen many salacious tabloid-style documentaries, and none of us who knew Michael recognised the person being portrayed."As a personal friend of the star he admits: "I do find watching it a lot harder than making it".


The bad boy of rock dated the princess of pop for two years. Pic: Marc Berry Reid

But it was that personal relationship with Hutchence, as well as many of his friends and former partners, that allowed him to ask questions and get answers no other filmmaker could."They're not just sitting down with a journalist who's been commissioned to make a film about Michael, they're sitting down with someone they knew 20 years earlier."I knew all these people, so there was this element of trust on either side of the microphone."He says the fact that each interview was recorded with no cameras present and in a darkened room meant that people opened up in a way they hadn't before."It was very easy to forget there was anyone else going to be listening, especially in Kylie's case."She's done plenty of interviews about Mike, but they've always been with lights, cameras, strange camera men… But with me it was like two friends discussing what happened."There were usually tears involved."Kylie Minogue, who dated Hutchence between 1989 and 1991, spent three hours talking to Lowenstein in London, then three more in Australia.She also handed over never-before-seen personal filmed footage shot by the couple during their relationship, as well as photos and letters.


The singer found it hard to come to terms with his own success. Pic: Marc Berry Reid

Lowenstein - who was close to them both during their relationship - says it was a partnership based on real affection."They did some naughty recreational things together but underneath it all was this really warm, secure love and relationship. Until, as she says in the film, it was over."The couple broke up in 1991 while Kylie was touring in Japan.Lowenstein goes on: "For someone who had such a naughty boy reputation he was always in a solid relationship - I couldn't find a gap in where he wasn't in a relationship.""He might have been going out to nightclubs and things like that, but compared to the real bad boys of rock he was a pussycat."Michael would be more interested in sitting in his hotel room till four in the morning, talking about art and politics."Describing him as a "sponge who soaked up all the stuff around him", Lowenstein explains Hutchence's appetite to learn stemmed from his early start in showbiz."He'd been ripped out of high school at 15 and press ganged into a band, which he was quite willing to do."But a lot of people in bands, they realise they don't have an education because they've been playing since they were 15 or 16. They have to go out and get an education, and he was that kind of guy."It was that deeper side to Michael that drew him to U2 star Bono, with the pair forming a connection - albeit a competitive one - during the late 80s.


He battled to balance his pop persona with artistic integrity. Pic: Marc Berry Reid

Lowenstein explains: "I was the person who introduced them. They loved each other, but in a slightly envious way."Bono would look at Michael and say, 'Boy I wish I could perform like that' - in that really sensual, true rock star way."And Michael would look at Bono and say, 'I wish I could write songs like that' - songs that were a bit deeper, go a bit further and have the content that would get me through into the 90s."It was an interesting friendship.""One of the great dilemmas of his life was being torn between a cute, sexually attractive, rock god performer who played to the teeny-boppers and his desire to be a credible artist."I know that Michael would have loved to have the reputation of Nick Cave for example."INXS, who were best known for their hits Suicide Blonde, Mystify and I Need You Tonight, saw the height of their fame in the late 80s and early 90s.But Hutchence felt restricted by the creative limits of pop and yearned to express his integrity as an artist, even striking out as a solo performer during the mid-90s.Eventually, after disappointing sales, he returned to record a tenth album with INXS, but their star was waning - a fact cruelly highlighted by Noel Gallagher during the 1996 BRIT Awards.As Oasis were awarded best video trophy by Hutchence, Gallagher called him a "has-been" - a public humiliation that further took its toll on the singer.


Hutchence tried to laugh off the slight, but was hurt by Gallagher's words

Lowenstein explains: "He tried to flippantly pass it off, but as someone in his early 30s knowing the record sales weren't going as well, that really did affect him."And he actually loved Oasis, they represented this new generation that could have been the direction he might have gone into."So, to have his idols come out and pull him down for whatever egotistical young rock star reasons was really hard. His managers described him as totally depressed and bawling his eyes out."He would never do that to anyone, he was always incredibly encouraging of other people. He would never pull anyone down like that."It was during these final years that Hutchence became tabloid fodder, largely thanks to his relationship with Paula Yates and the very public ending of her 19-year marriage to Sir Bob Geldof.Yates and Hutchence had first met back in 1985, but after their infamous "boudoir" interview on Big Breakfast in 1994, (where she interviewed guests on a lavish double bed) the two finally became a couple.Lowenstein says he thinks Hutchence's attraction to Yates may have stemmed from his own damaged childhood."When you look at the Bob and Paula thing in a Freudian context, you've got a father of three daughters and a mother with an instant family, and Michael goes off with the mother and destroys the family."He's actually re-enacting his own childhood and trying to make it work. Of course, it doesn't work and of course it's a nightmare. But Michael at that stage wasn't thinking all that clearly."


Hutchence pictured with Yates and her daughters

Hutchence's parents split up when he was a child, and he was taken by his mother to move to LA, while his younger brother was left in Sydney with his father.He carried the guilt of being the chosen one, and abandoning his brother for the rest of his life.It's fitting that Hutchence's daughter with Yates, Tiger Lily, has also played her part in the making of the documentary.Lowenstein explains: "She's an incredibly private person, so I don't feel right saying too much."But she allowed me to come and show the film to her on a laptop. She got very moved by, a lot of the stuff she'd never heard of, she'd never spoken to the ex-girlfriends."The one thing she did say was, 'It's very good but you need my dad's music, what can I do?'Lowenstein had struggled to get access to INXS music without giving them rights over the final cut, something the filmmaker was not willing to do.

Listen to "Hot Priest, X Factor: Celebrity and Watchmen" on Spreaker.

:: Listen to the Backstage podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Spreaker"She wrote an email to the record company and band management, and within 24 hours of the email being sent, we had nine songs at a very reasonable rate."It's a completely and utterly different film because of her involvement, and a better film."She's just a great kid, it was wonderful to meet her and see those little bits of Michael in her."So, what does Lowenstein think Hutchence would have made of the documentary?"I believe he would have been proud of the end result."I had to make the film with him peering over my shoulder."I knew him very well, so we couldn't just make an INXS fan piece, or allow band management to have right of final cut… Michael's ghost would never have let me sleep properly."And what would Michael be doing now, if he was still around?"He'd have a younger girlfriend and he'd be absolutely playing with INXS and doing his own solo work. And still be looking damn good for a 60-year-old."Anyone feeling emotionally distressed or suicidal can call Samaritans for help on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org in the UK. In the US, call the Samaritans branch in your area or 1 (800) 273-TALK.

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'Elegantly Wasted': INXS’ Unfairly Overlooked Album Is Due Reappraisal

'Elegantly Wasted': INXS’ Unfairly Overlooked Album Is Due Reappraisal





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‘Elegantly Wasted’: INXS’ Unfairly Overlooked Album Is Due Reappraisal

Eclipsed by the unfortunate events that followed its release, ‘Elegantly Wasted’ is an album that speaks to INXS’ tireless creativity.

Published on April 4, 2023

By Tim Peacock

Cover: Courtesy of Universal Music

The final album by INXS’ original line-up, 1997’s Elegantly Wasted, has never really been afforded its due. The long-awaited follow-up to 1993’s Full Moon, Dirty Hearts, the record was the enduring rockers’ first for their new label, PolyGram/Mercury Records, and it would surely have signaled the start of a bold new chapter for the band were it not overtaken by events.

In fact, when it comes to reappraisals of INXS’ wider oeuvre, Elegantly Wasted is often overlooked, primarily because it arrived only months before the death of the band’s frontman, Michael Hutchence: a tragic event that has unfortunately eclipsed the album’s artistic merit ever since.

Listen to Elegantly Wasted on Apple Music and Spotify.Metallica Continue Coloured Vinyl Campaign, Starting With ‘Garage Inc’‘At Your Birthday Party’: Steppenwolf Light The Candles For Their Third LP‘Every Kinda People’ Remix: Robert Palmer’s New Addiction


Divorced from the times, however, it’s a lot easier to appreciate Elegantly Wasted for what it actually was: a vibrant and purposeful return from a band who desperately needed to get off the treadmill after producing nine albums in just 13 years and touring relentlessly around the world.

“We really wanted to get off the old carousel”

“We really wanted to get off the old carousel for a while,” Hutchence told Australia’s The Album Network magazine in March 1997. “We have recorded an album every 12 to 18 months over the last five or six years… With the completion of [Full Moon, Dirty Hearts], we also fulfilled our contract with Atlantic Records. It just seemed like the logical time to take a break.”

Despite this, the band remained busy in the interim. Hutchence hooked up with producer/Gang Of Four guitarist Andy Gill to start work on his lone solo album during 1995, while Andrew and Tim Farriss got involved in production. Also, as Hutchence added in The Album Network interview, “Andrew, Garry [Beers] and I have all had children.”

Nonetheless, after some necessary downtime, INXS regrouped in London to start rehearsing for their Mercury debut during the spring of 1996. They later moved on to Canada and then to Spain to nail Elegantly Wasted with producer Bruce Fairbairn. An in-demand studio guru whose CV included work with Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Poison, and Scorpions, Fairbairn proved a good fit for INXS as both parties were keen to make a record that captured the natural energy of the band.

“The horizons are once again widening!”

The band “wanted a record that was a commercial success,” Fairbairn told Sound On Sound, adding, “but they also wanted to go with energy and performance, concentrating on the material.” It also helped that “Michael had a great voice – he could make a little clip-on mic on your jacket sound like a million bucks.”

To their credit, INXS also kept their ear to the ground when it came to adapting to changing trends in a post-Britpop world. As Hutchence told The Album Network, “A lot of [our contemporaries] like U2, The Cure and Massive Attack seem to be cross-pollinating genres of music – this is definitely a good time to be recording music as the horizons are once again widening!”

INXS - Searching

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INXS duly relished introducing some new flavors on Elegantly Wasted, discreetly embroidering “She Is Rising” and the soulful “Searching” with loops and electronica, and soaking the sparse “Building Bridges” in a filmic atmosphere redolent of Portishead’s Dummy. Uptempo numbers such as “Girl On Fire” and the compelling “Everything,” however, revealed that Hutchence and company still led the pack when it came to penning rousing, radio-friendly rockers, while “Don’t Lose Your Head” and the sinewy, Kick-esque title track reassured those who were worried the band might have jettisoned their inherent funkiness in their desire to update their sound.

Released on April 4, 1997, Elegantly Wasted emerged as a stylish, confident return that respected INXS’ heritage, but which also saw the Australian stalwarts looking to the future. It went on to perform strongly on the charts, returning the band to the Top 20 in numerous territories and landing just outside the Top 40 of the US Billboard 200.

Through no fault of its own, the album now stands as the original line-up’s epitaph, but it has barely aged a day. Despite the tragic events which unfolded after its release, we’re doing it a grave disservice if we continue to overlook its achievements.

Elegantly Wasted can be bought here.

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kevin oconnor

April 29, 2021 at 10:02 pm

..one of rock musics best albums ever.Stands up to any album ever.Thats a big statement but true.



December 10, 2021 at 10:31 pm

I have no idea what the reviewers of the day, saying this album was more of the same, were listening to. Sure, this wasn’t some groundbreaking reinvention, but it wasn’t a stale repeat of what came before, either.

The band’s unmistakable sound was still there, but they had obviously grown as musicians and songwriters. This album is a more refined, mature, and varied expression of that sound that also touches on new territory. Sadly, Hutchence’ tragic trajectory, a less than stellar album (Full Moon, Dirt Hearts), and the overall shift in musical tastes in the mid 90s saw to it that this gem of an album, the band’s best since 1987’s “Kick”, was forgotten.

I will add, I think 1992’s “Welcome to Wherever You Are” was also a strong release and overlooked.


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